Sunday worship
small groups


We ‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We hope you see our passion for Jesus and His gospel.  He is the only reason that we do what we do — preaching, children’s ministry, outreach, and even singing. If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say,
 “We’re a Gospel centered, community focused, God and people loving church.”
These elements create the DNA for us to live all of life for the glory of Jesus. As a Gospel centered church, you will notice that we believe the gospel is so much more than a starting point for people. The gospel is all of life, and it shapes the very way in which we live life together with our family, friends, community, and the rest of the world. We want to view and live all of life through gospel.
So we keep it Simple:
                Meet the Mt. Bethel Baptist Church
Leadership Team
                  Rev. Dr. Michael Patrick Jones                  Bridgette Cacapardo 
                Lead Pastor / Moderator                            Worship Leader        
                 Ernest Asante-Appiah                                   Bill Driver     
             Elder / Missions Board Treasurer                            Deacon
                     Fred Ellerbusch                               Rick Gavornik
             Elder/ Deacon / Treasurer                                    Elder
As well as a number of selfless volunteers who give of their time every week together we desire to be a light to the world around us



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    Mt. Bethel Baptist Church
    147 Mt. Bethel Road
    Warren, NJ 07059

    Thank You

     All gifts given to Mt. Bethel Baptist Church are tax deductible

        Mt. Bethel Baptist NJ 2018
